Stop Religious Homophobia

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Created Gayhas over 250 LGBT focused sermons and LGBT centered devotions.

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Homophobia is disgust, prejudice, discrimination, hatred or violence against gay and lesbian people that is caused by an irrational fear of homosexuality. Much of the disgust and hatred people have toward gay, bisexual and trans-identified people is due to religious beliefs and religious moral teachings.

Gays and Jesus have a lot in common. Jesus was a victim of religious bullying. Gays are targeted for religious bullying. Ironic that many religious bullies claim they are Christians and claim to follow the teachings of Jesus. But listen to Christian homophobes hate. They foam at the mouth with hatred against gays, just as religious leaders foamed at the mouth with hatred against Jesus. Jesus was the Son of God and homosexuals are sons and daughters of God.

Homosexual activities have been observed in about 1,500 species. Homophobia and organized religions have only been observed in 1 specie. Homosexuality is both common and normal among the animal kingdom, and homophobia and religion are not common among animals.

Fortunately, some religious groups are taking action to reduce levels of prejudice, discrimination, hatred and violence against gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and trans-identified members of society.

Stop Religious Homophobia Memorial Pages

Ex-gay Ministries and religious homophobia

Hate crimes newsletters

• Stop Hate 2000 December 2011 Newsletter
• Stop Hate 2000 November 2011 Newsletter
• Stop Hate 2000 October 2011 Newsletter

Stop Religious Homophobia

Dedicated to Reducing Homophobia