You Make Jesus Smile - United Church of Christ

Some conservative Christians have labeled a cartoon character, Sponge Bob, as gay. In early 2005, Rev. John H. Thomas, general minister and president of the United Church of Christ, welcomed SpongeBob to the UCC's national offices. Rev. Thomas is quoted as saying, "Jesus didn't turn people away. Neither do we."

We applaud the United Church of Christ for understanding what Christianity is all about - welcoming people into fellowship with God. We also love the sense of humor in the United Church of Christ. We are certain Jesus loves your sense of humor too. The United Church of Christ, because you make Jesus smile, we present you with the You Make Jesus Smile award.

United Churches of Christ News Release

May 9, 2005, We received the following email from an official at the United Church of Christ:

Thank you for your kindness and for recognizing the ministries of the United Church of Christ. Despite our shortcomings, we do strive to be faithful and responsive to the extravagant welcome that Jesus offers all God's people. For this reason, we believe it's important to witness to God's love and justice from a context that is intentionally multiracial, multicultural, open and affirming, and accessible to all. We appreciate your recognition. It encourages us!